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Reputable Member

Took this from

I love you guys to pieces, but if I drove up to the pier and it was this busy, I would keep driving. That fresh dozen I just bought would turn into a shrimp taco later on. Thankfully, Labor Day is a great day for BBQ with friends too.

Happy Labor Day, family.

Topic starter Posted : 09/06/2015 9:54 pm
Trusted Member

Its funny. When I read the topic of this thread, somehow I knew there was going to be a picture of the Sebastian inlet:)
I was out on the south jetty on Friday and it was ridiculous. Its just not worth it.

Posted : 09/08/2015 8:58 am
Prominent Member

You think thats busy...YOU SHOULD SEE THAT PLACE WHEN THE MULLETS RUNNING :!: :!: :!: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted : 09/08/2015 12:23 pm
Member Admin

You think thats busy...YOU SHOULD SEE THAT PLACE WHEN THE MULLETS RUNNING :!: :!: :!: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Yup!! So true .

SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger

Posted : 09/08/2015 5:37 pm
Trusted Member

+1 that place is ridiculous during the mullet run, which is just about to kick-off. I don't even fish it anymore. I found some spots a few mile from it that have produced more fish for me than that jetty ever has....but that's just me, my simple style of fishing, and I don't wagon 10 gallon bait buckets with 1hp motor car battery air ration pumps out there like most....gotta be setup for that place, shoulder to shoulder dueling and snag city...i've even seen fights break out over simple line crossings....some of them fellas are edgy, to say the least. Don't get me wrong, an epic fishing spot but it has turned into a Googan gauntlet hole and I feel sorry for the fish there that are over or under slot, the ones that are brought up with gaffs else the ones that are slapped on the concrete.

Posted : 09/13/2015 11:23 am
seaweed the khahuna
Honorable Member

Share the spots Coker !! Only us will go lol

Posted : 09/28/2015 2:32 pm