Beach Cart, Kayak dolly, What do you use?
I thought it might help others to see what everyone else uses or made to get their gear to the surf or pier. How do you bring your yak? Carry it,? Wheel it, not all beaches are truck accessible. I have a pvc kayak dolly with some mower tires and a big cooler with large mower tires. Both work great and roll over the powdery sand in clearwater and AMI really well.
Whatever you do, do it with a smile!
I like that yak carrier. I think I'm going to build one but add a couple short upright pieces to fit the scupper holes.
I wanted to do the same but i also wanted the yak on balance so i could load alot of stuff in it and not have tongue weight. My scupper holes are way forward and way backward. Hope yours works out
Whatever you do, do it with a smile!
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