Sebastian Inlet mullet run report Oct 14.2011

Ventured north to Sebastian Inlet with my cousin Benny Lopez and good friend Josh Jergensen in search of some hot fishing and we were not disappointed with the outcome .
This would be the first time both Benny and Josh have ever fished Sebastian so for me it was very important that these two avid land-bases fishermen have a memorable expierience. Right away when we arrived we noticed the schools of finger mullet were everywhere and big fish were coming over the rails mostly on live baits.
our first and biggest of the day
one of Benny's jacks
We proceeded to get in on the action right away after securing a bucket full of finger mullet presented on bottom with an incoming tide.We caught nice big jacks until the outgoing tide began the Redfish action started and the biggest ones caught were over 40 inches long.
Josh with his first ever Redfish
Benny with a big shark bait ladyfish
Benny with his small doormat flounder
another over slot Redfish coming over the rail
the happy angler about to release another fine catch
The crowd grew and the Jetty was a mass of fishermen all vying to tangle with a keeper Red.As the day wore on contrary to the way things work in other fishing spots the fishing here got better.Missing were the big schools of bluefish but present were a collection of small boats anchored off the north tip of the Jetty during the outgoing tide and most were catching hefty Redfish on live croakers and live pinfish.
Josh caught his first ever Redfish at about 36 inches and Benny caught the only Flounder and ladyfish caught on the entire jetty.We ended the day at Razzotti's pizza on the beach for a fine meal and to recount the days action.
I'm pleased we all had an enjoyable day at world famous Sebastian inlet,,,,,we will be back!!
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
how were people fishing in the inlet were they getting snagged on rocks and what were the jacks coming in on??? nice pics and good catches by the way im goin sunday day/night and all monday doin some sharking and trying to get a king/jack/tarpon or something big to bite lol

The most available live bait was cast netted finger mullet for catching both the jacks and the redfish. You can buy live shrimp locally or clams but if you have a cast net the bait is plentiful and free just make sure you have an aerator or down bucket so your finger mullet will stay alive a long time if not they only last 10-15 minutes tops..Good luck.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
ya i got a 5 gallon with a sick aerator so im good to go and a cast net i just want a big jack to put on a balloon and basically free line there lol or really i want a nice stingray just spooled up my daiwa 900h with 500yds or 80lb power pro then a 300 yards shot of 100lb test lol im ready to hit em hard if they there leaders taped up too along with hooks hopin for a big hammer probe not but i can always wish right lol
plus i got a 35lb drag with the daiwa which is why i like it over a penn 9/0 and one piece frame
nice fish those jacks look like they would make some good shark bait
Nice report Will. Looks like some really nice catches and some good times were had. Nice going!!!!
Nice! I love catching jacks, they pull good plus it is one of my favorite baits to use..they're durable and bloody.
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
I had a lot of fun Will! It's definitely a place I will visit again. Here are some other photos:
"He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction" (Proverbs 13:3).
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I lived down there for about a year or so in the late 80's
and the fishing was always good and sometimes smokin HOT
Watched some guys shark it up down there also I seem to remember
they had to take turns out on the end something to do with the rocks
or bait deployment. Everyone that got a turn while I was there got a run.
Saw a cople of healthy sized blacktips over 5ft put to the pier. I know
theres gotta be some big boys runnin that aea with all the bait and feedin
in that area. Always blood n the water.................
"after a while the native islanders called me kane mano the shark hunter."
SHARK! SHARK! Capt. Wm E. Young (circa 1933.)
"Perhaps i should not have been a fisherman...But that was the thing that i was born for..."
wow, Will you really had a good day it is nice to see every body getting diffrent kinds of fish I will try to go with you or JD or both next time to see if i still got that fever.. hope i can go with you next time
hope to go fishing with everyone in the sharkclub..
i was just there sunday afternoon and monday morning and the fish were crazy caught too many reds and black drum wanted to shark fish but didnt go to the south jetty which i should of to float a bait out on outgoing tide but none the less a great place to fish and some of the best fishing around hands down i will go fishing there again soon and want to go sharking but dont have a yak so i cant go off the beach unless its with someone who does off here really let me know tho
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