Surf rod idea
Hey guys, I'm building a new rod and am not too sure about it. It's an 11 ft gator blank 80-130 lb and slow medium action. I have a penn spinfisher v10500 that I was gonna put on there. The goal was to be able to cast super far. The one thing I'm worried about is that the rod is too thick and stiff. The tip top size is a 28 which is like 11.1 mm. That just seems big for a spinning reel.
Let me know what ya think
While that blank proved itself to be an excellent bridge rod for sharks, for your intended purpose is the worse choice. Best blanks for up to 100-150lbs fish is around 13ft long rated 8-16oz. I'm not going to give any examples, but, the ideas is to be able to LOAD that blank while pursuing the perfect pendulum cast from an wide open area - like the beach without having any fatigue doing so all day long - so the weight of the blank is also a good consideration.
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