Harrington 555 Rebuilt By Keith (SharkArk)
Just picked up a 555 for $350 bucks. came with 5 big foot roller guides plus the tip. heres before pictures.. after pictures will be coming when I get it re-built.
James Blue
That thing is sick don't get it rebuilt!
Not bad James..I can re build that to the original condition...no problem
Alright sounds good, when your done with Brittany's rod and have some free time will talk about the rebuild.
James Blue
Rebuilt pics will be put up sometime today.
James Blue
This Harrington 555 I put it in (SharkArk) Keith's hands to restore. And I'm proud to say it came out exactly how i wanted it. A 14/0 will be attached to this rod.
*As you can see its done in the Gator theme.
*Black Big Foot guides. one 52, two 42's, two 32's, and a 28 size tip.
*New Reel seat. (not sure what size)
*New Gimbal with cap
*New EVA foam
James Blue
that is one nice rod, very nice.
AWESOME ROD! Looks great.
Go Gators.
Looks Great.
Hell Yah Go Gator
looks nice. is that a double sided or 4 sided decorative?
Thanks Guys. 80- 130 10ft Gator rod that will be cut down to the same length as the 555 is in the making. It will be done in the Florida State Seminoles. same grips,same reels seat,same measurements, just not roller guides.
James Blue
Thanks Guys. 80- 130 10ft Gator rod that will be cut down to the same length as the 555 is in the making. It will be done in the Florida State Seminoles. same grips,same reels seat,same measurements, just not roller guides.
I have that blank on order too. Let me know how it feels, I'm cutting my down to 9'6" or so.
When did you order it?
James Blue
A while ago, I think it's done, just have to get down to Stuart to pick it up from Blackfin.
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