Official 2012 Big Hammer Challenge Reports, Pics-Leaderboard
Team Shark Fever On The Board Again
The day started off with a text from Will to fish a local beach and my reply was of course!! So my plan was in place get to the beach before sunset and fish till 11 because i have to be up for work at 5:30am. As i'm leaving my house my teamate Ryan calls me and says "Hey you fishing tonight?" My reply "Yes sir". But then he continues to tell me they are heading north i hesitate for a second and reply "Not going to be able to go" so this changed the whole gameplan. Finally after a few calls back and forth with my teamates i decide to go. I arrived at the beach around 7:15 and there was another team set up towards the north so i went to the south and set up. By this time my teamate Will showed up and i helped him set up. We then proceded to paddle out baits, i run my 14/0 and 16/0 out and then i help Will set his 14/0 and 16/0 out.By this time Ryan shows up and we finally get his baits out also. So after a little chit chat i look to the south and i see my glowstick on the 14/0 take off like a rocket into the water so i start to run towards it by the time i made it to the rod it had peeled a few hundred yards off. Right then Will said to me "This is a good fish"
I start to get a little worried because of the amount of line that was being peeled off in such a rapid pace. But not to worry i should be able to slow this baby down with my 200# test. So i finally get set up and im trying to gain some line back and after close to 10 min of battleing with this fish one of Will's rods takes off. We all know what that means DOUBLE HEADER!!!!!
So we continue to do battle side by side until my fish heads further south and his heads north. We then part ways. Will finally lands a nice Hammer close to 9ft.
Angler- Will Fundora
Species- Hammerhead Shark
Length- 8 ft 10 inch
Then shortly after i land a 10ft 7inch Hammer which was very healthy and strong!!!
Angler- Billy Centrone
Species- Hammerhead Shark
Length- 10ft 7inches
After that a few more runs but it was time for me to go and as i finish packing up my 16/0 takes off but shortly after drops the bait. So as im leaving the beach Ryan's 12/0 is screaming and after a strong, powerfull run he is cut off.
Until next time TEAM SHARK FEVER will be in search of the monster!!!
2012 BTC 2nd Place Largest Shark
2012 January Sharker of The Month
2012 BHC 4th Place Largest Shark
2014 February Sharker of The Month
Very nice sharks have been caught so far this year.The tigers and hammers look real good and that big heavy bull were nice cachtes ... good luck to all and to your nice work on the tournament Mr Will.
The first part of our roll out this year consisted of Mark Conner, Mark Duncan, and Tommy Sneed.
We actually got on the sand the 22nd, leaving the 25th.
This is us the morning of the 26th around 2 am after driving back
Here are the sharks from the 22nd to the 25th
#1 caught by Mark Duncan 6' 7 " female Tiger
#2 caught by Mark Conner 5'4 1/2" Blacktip female
#3 Mark Duncan 7' 1 1/2" female Bull (sorry for Tommy's thumb in the way)
#4 Mark Conner 5'0" BT female
#5 Mark Conner 8'4" VERY pregnant female Bull this shark was part of a double hookup
#6 Mark Duncan 8'4 1/2" PIG female bull the placard blew down the beach, so all I got was the secret item with Mark. Sorry, we had two cows to tend to to.....
#7 Tommy Sneed 6'6" Bull male
#8 Mark Conner 7'0" Bull male
#9 Tommy Sneed 5' 4 1/2" Bull male
#10 Tommy Sneed 5'8" Bull male
#11 Mark Conner 6' 5 1/2" Bull male
#12 Tommy Sneed 7'0" Bull female
Not entered two blacktips under 5'. Team Cluster will be back in May for another week. Good Luck to everyone!!
Mark Conner
Texas Chapter President-Shore-bound Anglers Alliance (SAA-TX)
SAA site admin

Congratulations to Team Cluster%$@ you guys made things happen at a time and in a place that was supposed to have slow sharking right now.A good Team always finds the way to make the catches and you did. Your Team proved everyone wrong with some very impressive catches including the set of 8 ft 4 BULLS.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Thanks Will. I need to correct Duncan's Bull. It was actually 104 1/2" or 8'8". Tired typo.
I'll be back in a week. Tight Lines BHC participants!!!!
BTW Fellow Sharkers:
Happy Birthday Will!!!!.
Welcome to the "club".
Mark Conner
Texas Chapter President-Shore-bound Anglers Alliance (SAA-TX)
SAA site admin
Finally the shark of my dreams, Back when I used to fish as a teenager I always hoped to catch a hammer I used to see Rene catch them in South Beach and wished maybe someday it would happen and it DID
. Ray always told me it would happen if I only put out my lines out. It started @ around 7:20 p.m and I took out my bait only to realize on my way back I could not see my camp and ended up in will's camp you see ( i'm legally blind )
you see I always make a joke of my handicap but it won't STOP ME until I die. I have to thank my team mates for taking this old man fishing you see their like my son's I never had.
Team- Dirty South Shark Hunters
Angler- Tony Medina
Shark- Hammerhead
Size- 9'-5"
Tony! Way to go with the nice hammer! I'm glad your dream came true!
Tony! Way to go with the nice hammer! I'm glad your dream came true!
+1 I also dream of a big Hammer. Congrats Tony.
Nice catches Fellas!!! Big Hammer Billy!!!! Team Cluster way to catch them up!and that's a Big Bull!!! Tony awesome Hammer buddy!!!! Congrats man!!!!!!
congratulations Tony once you catch a hammer you become addicted .... i guarantee you that
"I am the new Shark Slayer in town"
Total Release ... l?newest=1
Our good luck charm is back!!!
Angler - Erin

Tony a heart felt Congratulations to you on catching the Hammer of your dreams.You my friend are proof that no handicap in the world can keep a person from a attaining a dream if you have the Will,the Faith and the Determination you can accomplish ANYTHING you want.
ps,,,,,,,,,Them boys in your Team have a good guy in you I hope they realize that and learn good lessons in life from your example.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Team: Reel Riders
Angler: Jack Zarling
Shark: 7'5" Lemon caught on 50 pound trilene big game.
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Team shark addictz have a 5'7" lemmon that we just released pics when we get home
Team: Hammer Wranglers
Angler: Nino Diamandi
Fish: 68 1/2" Blacktip
Angler: Nino Diamandi
Fish: 91 1/4" Nurse
Live Without Fear!
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