Hammer Time! 11 foot 2 inch -June-2014
went out the other night with Luis and his son chiqui too do some fishing and when we met up at the spot there was so much grass we couldent even fish so we decided to check another spot and to are surprise it had barely any grass. we met up around 7:30 and dident even get baits out until close to 10:00 what a mission it is some time but its what we love and are very passionate about. soo we have 4 baits in the water and within 2 hours or so both my baits were wiped out one due too something small messing with the bait and my other bait got cutoff and I lost a lot off line. so I rig up and yak out my third bait for the night. about 45 minutes go by and my 80 gets picked up solid, free spooled it then I hit the running man. I knew it was a nice fish and then after it started pulling me back to the beach and I sat down I really knew it was a big fish. sure enough I forgot my harness this trip and I was in for a heck of a battle. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP BROTHER! I couldn't have done it without you and chiqui!
great looking shark there. congrats
Great work JD!
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Jack slayer
nice jd
"2017 Team little rock
Never test the depth of the water with both feet"
The Hammer was 11'2. JD. Congrats again bro. You did a great job on that Hammer. Not many people go fishing in thunderstorms. We thought they would pass but they did not pass as quickly as we thought. We showed up at one beach and it was nasty grass all over. Most people would go home. Not us. And it was still raining. We drove to another beach and put our baits out and we were rewarded with a Big Hammer. Congrats. You da man!
Great Shark! Looks like she had some bites on her side.
Nice hammer!
Nice JD!!! Way to stick with it man! You and Luis are always toughing it out!
Great fish, good going fagan and picua
Just an average fisherman.
Good job Jd that's a nice fish man!
The Hammer was 11'2. JD. Congrats again bro. You did a great job on that Hammer. Not many people go fishing in thunderstorms. We thought they would pass but they did not pass as quickly as we thought. We showed up at one beach and it was nasty grass all over. Most people would go home. Not us. And it was still raining. We drove to another beach and put our baits out and we were rewarded with a Big Hammer. Congrats. You da man!
thanks bro. and thanks again for all your help and chiqui's help.
thanks for all the nice comments guys!
WOW!! that hammer looks like a 12 footer in that 2nd pic the Dorsal fin is HUGE!! WAY TO GO JD and Luis ,you guys always find the big SHARKS no matter the time of year. You guys are proof positive that the big ones are still present in the southernmost parts.
ps.....got you a sticky with this biggun!!
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Thanks for all the replies. Thanks Willy. JD has caught some impressive fish the last few years. He learned From the man JD Hammer and applies his own twists and is very humble and he has knack for catching Big Sharks!!!
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