[Sticky] First Great White ever caught from Florida beach
I just came across this on the Internet. Derrick Keeny has done what had never been done before --he caught a Great White Shark from a Florida beach, Pretty cool! Story written by Zach Miller.
http://www.wideopenspaces.com/first-eve ... sive-pics/
Yea was out on 7 mile and talked to a guy who lives where it was caught. Its HISTORIC
Can you say Wow!!!!!!Great catch for he and his team......Dave
Very nice catch, but I'm not too sure on the first ever in Florida. I know of two others but that was WAY!!! back in the day. One of them was by the old legend Elmo in the panhandle from one of the piers. Either way that's incredible, since it was a male I'm interested in knowing if it was swimming with a giant female!!!
Just an average fisherman.
Way too cool!
It was caught by me Derrick Keeny with Gabriel Smeby and Kyle Register on the leader!!!!
Nice catch dude! You should put up a report!

I just came across this on the Internet. Derrick Keeny has done what had never been done before --he caught a Great White Shark from a Florida beach, Pretty cool! Story written by Zach Miller.
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