Doubl header land-based dusky's 8 ft 9 and 7 ft -Sept 2010
😀 Arron I AM YOUR PARTNER. Let me know your spot. Nice pics and great catch. I will be up there this week call me.
yeah tell us your spots?
Wow!! The last time I seen a Dusky caught of decent size was on the old Indian Rocks Pier & that one weighed in at just over 500lbs...Nice catch Arron!!!

Man I been meaning to get the big Dusky pictures but can't find them .Next weekend when we're at the Westcoast End of Summer Get-together maybe I'll take the time and go see Bill Greenwood at Indain rocks tackle and maybe scan what he has I heard he has alot of amazing big Dusky,Tiger and Bull shark pictures of sharks caught from the old Indian Rocks fishing pier.Dying to get them 600 to 800 pound dusky pics to share with everyone on the site.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
will i talk to bill all the time he is the one to taught me how to build rods if u go and see him u will enjoy urself
he has sooo many stories and info about the old indian rocks pier its worth the trip
deff not a bull, i have gotten alot of bulls an these were deff not!! way 2 narrow face, pec fins big, an dorsal more up right then blunt like a bulls. they were hooked rite as the sun started peeking over the horizon. beached few pics taken measured then let go to fight another day.
2009 Team Hammer N The Phenoms
Go BIG or go home
Very, very nice!
And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
John 11:26 KJB 1611 AV
Awesome!!! I have yet to get 2 monster sharks on the beach at once to get such a bada$$ pic
I cant beleive you told somebody you caught these fish off of 83rd ave bridge in St. Pete hahaha these were not caught there for sure..
What are you talking about?? no one has ever ask me where we got these. thanks though good one
these sharks were caught just inland of milong reef guided by captin skip bob pete.
2009 Team Hammer N The Phenoms
Go BIG or go home
Well i guess u went and fished that spot i mentioned with some kid and you told him that is where you caught these sharks which is a joke cause the only thing you will catch at 83rd is oversized catfish... And is skip bob pete the one that runs Batshit charters?!? must be
look dude idk who you think your talkin to but id slow my mouth down if i were you, a little less time on the computer talkin shit an you might have time to catch up. good luck buddie
2009 Team Hammer N The Phenoms
Go BIG or go home
ive been out with captian skip bob pete his shows me where all the big catfish are.....
Im captain of the batshit charters. 75 cents and pack of trident layers and ill show you all where the big boys live.

This is not boatless and i will not tolerate the non sensnse so please don't start sh%t ON THIS BOARD OR i WILL CHOP YOUR CHILDISH BSing RIGHT OFF .If someone does not want to reveal a fishing spot to other fisherman that has to be respected,,,, and if he told someone where he caught it that's also his choice.
Enough with BS keep it off this site please
.What we have here is special and we want to maintain the peace and harmony on the site.
When other websites are talking about what cable or weedeater to use for there rigs the folks on this site most of whom I have personally met shark fishing throughtout this state are posting up the most awesome sharks caught from land anywhere in the world.If you count the number of sharks that are posted on this site I'm talking YEAR ROUND ,,,,,,,we catch more sharks because we are dedicated to our sport and work very hard throughout the year to chase the biggest of sharks and it's counter productive to allow disrespect to get rampant on this board.
When other websites has members that are constantly joking around making multiple post about non fishing bs the members of this hardcore website are out on beaches ,piers and bridges through hot nights ,fighting the elements ,the bugs and catching monsters that many only dream about.The theme here is "Catch a Monster"and show everyone what you got in youir story and in your pictures and spread the love for this amazing sport ;it's not abouit hating or bashing or cutting somebody down.We aim to be the hardest working most shark catching group of land-based shark fisherman in the world ,,,,,,so please lets respect and be respected .Thank you for understanding.
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Well Said Will.
Note: Like Will said this is NOT Boatless we catch Monster Sharks and We are PROUD of it.
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