SFSC Palm Beach cleanup/Pregnant Bull /Video getting burned
So Willi decided The South Florida shark club needed to fight back and kill palm beach locals with kindness, so Kim,Hammer,Will,My wife and i went ahead and did a 4 hour beach sweep and clean up by the Palm Beach inlet. We interacted with dozens of locals and made a few friends along the way.Good Karma goes a long way. .As the sun started to drop i told the old Kahunas it was time for a little recess, and that's exactly what we did setting our baits out on a very low tide .!! Out came the 130's and 16/0's and baits were deployed!! Minutes later my 130 gets hit on a 40 pound amberjack head and i made quick work of a Pregnant Bull shark with one of the biggest girths iv'e seen -400 pounds plus!! We put a tag in her and got her swimming back into the deep blue .Before we released the big girl I pulled my AJ head from her mouth and later kayaked it back out in to the dark Ft pierce surf. Five minutes upon returning to the sand the same bait get's slammed and my Fin Nor Santiago starts screaming!!! I set hook to a brick wall that made my Santiago scream like if i was hooked to a boat!!! 10 minutes in and she spit hooks!! Damnnnnnnnnnnn!!! All in All a great day for us,the SFSC and the portrayal of land based shark fisherman!!!
the vIDEO
Ft pierce reefs are unforgiving!! Huge hammers and bulls but 50 percent chance in every hook up to be popped off on coral heads!! That's what lost me my huge hammer!!
MORE SO ... there are very nice residents at palm beach. I've talked to them many times and just because they got money they are down to earth, we just got to RESPECT the beach and use common sense.
Great post & Pics Shannon way to go!!! Was glad to be a part of being with all of you guys last night & while the vid was in the making!!!
South Florida Shark Club
Team Hammer N The Phenoms
That is one pig of a Bull Shannon.To bad you missed that freight train passing through.Got to like that new look with the glasses.Now look like a professor teaching at the university.....Dave
Lol thanks Dave !! Feels good to see like a kid again and not an 80 year old!! Lasic is next I hope!!
Nice one!
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