Several trips.- Tigers,Bulls, Lemons,and Tippers(June 2014)
Wow, you guys crushed 'em! sweet report
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
Nice fish Picua! good job Guys!
A lot of sharks,good work guys!
Thanks Fellas!!! Hey Scott how has the West Coast been? I'll let you know when we head that way. Hopefully soon.
That's an awesome report there Luis!! I was just back in Miami and got no fishing's killing me. I'm going to be back around in June, hopefully get a report up! Keep it up!

WOW!!That's a whole lotta report right there!! So many different anglers and so many nice sharks and even a 40 pound Permit.Good to see TimmyT back on the sand with the crew.Luis them boys of yours are the next generation of HARDCORE SHARKERS,,,no doubt,great to see them catching sharks with there pops.
ps......gave it sticky
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
WOW Awesome pics & Posts guys!
South Florida Shark Club
Team Hammer N The Phenoms
WOW Smokin' Report , and that'sgreat three generations fighting Sharks with that same rig .....priceless
"What We are dealing with here, is a' PERFECT ENGINE' ; an Eating Machine ;
IT'S really a Miracle of Evolution, all this Machine does, is SWIM, & EAT & Make Little SHARKS!"
Nice report!
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