Joey Polk does it again 10 ft 9 in Mako Shark -2015

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Joey Polk on a monster catch.Joey Polk has done it again catching a huge 10 ft 9 inch Mako Shark from a Panhandle beach.He braved the freezing 30 degree tempatures and was fishing with his legendary shark fishing cousin Earnie Polk.Year in and Year out, there is no more consistent land-based shark fishing Team in Florida then 'Team True Blue' out of Navarre Beach ,Florida.Joey Polk caught the existing land-based Mako shark in 2014 with 805 lb specimen that measured 11 feet long.See the pics and the link to the story at the bottom of this post
Joey Polk with the World Record Mako and the full moon in the background shining down
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Very impressive! How long did it take to reel in a Mako Shark of that size?
congrats to Joey on another great catch! true blue has set themselves far apart from the rest of the LBSF world.
Congratulations to the Polk cousins, Joey & Earnie! Fish on my friends, fish on! Hardcore fishing all the way.
Congrats boys on another incredible fish! It still baffles me that these makos can be caught from land!
I think I read that the 805lb mako was unable to be revived (I may be wrong). Was it the same with this one? I'm not starting anything, just want to know the full story as I believe most of us don't like seeing big sharks dead on the beach.
Australia - Brisbane
NOAA came over and harvested what they needed for research, and all the meat was distributed accordingly. Damn fine fish and within the legal limit.
Joey always knew youd be one of the Best !!! right on brother!!
We had fished 5 weeks and had caught 3 fish. That's fishing every fish able day all day and part of the night. The crew this round was Joey Kenny Curt and me. On hook up it started turning drag on his everol and rocked outa the wAter prob 20'. A little while later it did it again. Beautiful to say the least. The fight wasn't hard or long. Bout 20 min. When we got it to the pier it was green as hell. I can't explain the battle. It tail walked and done a back flip three times under the pier. I managed to get the head rope on it bout that time it wigged out and the hook straightened. Wild fight at the pier. Kenny Peterson done most of the leader man job. I was trying to get Joey to let it go then someone said " the long liners will just grease there pockets with the money they make off it" decision made! I like to let em go so everyone won't be posting shit every where crowding our fishin hole out. Just that simple. Ya can't hide no more with face fuck and all the nosey inconsiderate people now a days. It's aggravating! But the mako in the last three pics is old news. It's last years. The fact that we harvested/ killed it seems to bother some folks. Well we harvest a lot of what we catch. The reason we fish is not to harass the local wild life but for the procurement of food. If you don't harvest fish you are a fish molester!! Lol. The 805 woulda swam off just fine and so woulda this one. Everyone needs to rember where we all come from. Practicing good ethics is a personal gain. If ya go fishing for a trophy alone and ya have no plans to harvest for food, to my opinion your ethics are very questionable and you are lacking respect.
Land Based World Record #5 short fin Mako 700lbs
Land Based World Record #8 Tiger shark 928lbs
Land Based World Record #9 Tiger shark 949lbs
SFSC Panhandle Events Coordinator
We had fished 5 weeks and had caught 3 fish. That's fishing every fish able day all day and part of the night. The crew this round was Joey Kenny Curt and me. On hook up it started turning drag on his everol and rocked outa the wAter prob 20'. A little while later it did it again. Beautiful to say the least. The fight wasn't hard or long. Bout 20 min. When we got it to the pier it was green as hell. I can't explain the battle. It tail walked and done a back flip three times under the pier. I managed to get the head rope on it bout that time it wigged out and the hook straightened. Wild fight at the pier. Kenny Peterson done most of the leader man job. I was trying to get Joey to let it go then someone said " the long liners will just grease there pockets with the money they make off it" decision made! I like to let em go so everyone won't be posting shit every where crowding our fishin hole out. Just that simple. Ya can't hide no more with face fuck and all the nosey inconsiderate people now a days. It's aggravating! But the mako in the last three pics is old news. It's last years. The fact that we harvested/ killed it seems to bother some folks. Well we harvest a lot of what we catch. The reason we fish is not to harass the local wild life but for the procurement of food. If you don't harvest fish you are a fish molester!! Lol. The 805 woulda swam off just fine and so woulda this one. Everyone needs to rember where we all come from. Practicing good ethics is a personal gain. If ya go fishing for a trophy alone and ya have no plans to harvest for food, to my opinion your ethics are very questionable and you are lacking respect.
best reply to anything I've heard or read in a long time. may your freezer stay full , rods bent and guns dirty.
big congrats to all involved!
They are kings in our neck of the woods..And a couple of the nicest guys you'll ever meet..Congrats again.
Team ReeL Issues, Fl. Div.
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