Hardcore SFSC Shoutout!!-Time to Regroup
The South Florida Shark Club is kept together by the efforts of a handful of intense and passionate shark fishermen.Our job of maintaining the Peace,and of fostering Unity is never easy.Problems are always on the horizon and we work hard and spend lots of money to run the club for the benefit of it's members. One of our goals is to bring in people who feel the same intensity and passion for catching sharks,people with fire in there veins for the sport we practice.
We don't recruit or campaign for new members we look and carefully watch for the INTENSE ,WE LOOK FOR THE PASSIONATE,WE LOOK FOR THE DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH,,shark fishermen who are working hard at catching big sharks on there own ,,,we watch them from afar and then we reach out to them ,if they respond they become members of the shark club a dedicated group of fishermen who APPRECIATE our history,RESPECT our accomplishments and are WILLING to WORK HARD to become some of the best in the sport. If you are not intense or passionate about catching sharks then this is not the club for you-it's that simple.Yeah we have Fun,and we enjoy the simple pleasure of fishing without any pressure of competition. Yes we have lives outside the club with families that require our financial and emotional support/attention,children that need our love and parents that need our care,BUT we are always on the hunt for those that are sincere in there love for the sport of land-based shark fishing and are in it for the long haul and not just trying to make a name for themselves by catching a few big sharks while aligned with the club .A true Club member has to care about protecting the club and those in it .You have to feel a bond to a community of like minded fishermen and respect one another. Once you are part of the club you should feel a certain commitment to the club and be willing to fight for it's survival,,it may mean you have to SACRIFICE a little for the well being of others.Real club members don't mind giving of themselves for the benefit of the entire club-it's called being selfless.
This club has some members who are upset with others they have had words with ,my job here is to quiet the fires , restore order,bring back into focus what our goals are ,and give a little direction to those that have strayed away .Sometimes we have friends we enjoy fishing with more than others so yes there are groups inside the club and Teams that unite to fish tournaments but that should NEVER be an excuse to create disharmony among shark club members. Fishing with your group or Team should never be a reason to create rumors or gossip about others in the club.In Tournaments I have a shark fishing Team ,,a group of friends I fish tournaments with but my ULTIMATE ALLIANCE IS TO THE CLUB ,and I never forget that,so please DO NOT BE THE PERSON that wants to break up or separate people away from the club. ANYONE who is hell-bent on destroying what we have worked so hard to create will not be a member for long. As President of the club my job is to give the club direction and my purpose is to keep the UNITY AMONG MEMBERS and Defend the integrity of the South Florida Shark Club so I hope you understand that we work to foster a sense of brotherhood among members.
Some are mad at me because of some things I have said at one time or another and to those I sincerely apologize . My intense nature and passion for for the sport means that my intentions are often times misunderstood ,again try and understand how difficult it is to keep everyone happy .I will try to point out some very important things in what I write here. I will not hold back or mince words.Being the President of the shark club carries a heavy burden a meaningful responsibility to make things right when problems of this sort arise.One of our main goals is helping create better, more intelligent and respectful shark fishermen that the rest of the fishing community can be proud of .We don't want to be portrayed as bunch of thugs that have no regard for the laws or for decency . We don't want fishermen that want to create a circus of our sport,we don't need fishermen that don't want to promote conservation of sharks .We do not want fishermen that go on a public forum to display large dead sharks caught the night before and butchered FOR NO GOOD REASON. Those that acted that in the past way have changed there ways ,and have adapted out of respect for the club ,out of respect for themselves ,and out of a Realization that it made no sense to act that way ,so for that WE ARE GRATEFUL.We are grown men we need to act like grown men and if someone upsets you ,have the courage to call them and explain that you feel upset,wronged, hurt ,disrespected ,misunderstood,or whatever it is that you want to tell them --PLEASE CALL THAT PERSON AND TELL THEM. I apologize if I have hurt someones feelings by something I said or wrote that ruffled some feathers,but I am not perfect, and I cannot make everyone happy all the time .I fulfill many roles including being President of the shark club, administrator of the website,organizer of the BHC and a owner of two separate business's so my time is very limited and I cannot catch every fire before it starts .I cannot listen to every rumor about someone that has feelings hurt . We don't have any AX murderers in this club we don't have any Cannibals that are gonna eat you alive because you want an explanation about something that was said. Don't text ,don't start gossip ,instead give them a call,or set up a meeting with that person face to face ,have a civilized conversation and find a resolution --- SQUASH the PROBLEM and MOVE FORWARD. That is how we should ALL RESOLVE OUR DIFFERENCES inside the club if we truly care about the clubs survival and the integrity of it's members.Our sport is under constant attack so we MUST UNITE and stand together to combat external forces rather then fall apart within the ranks of our club members. You'll stand up for your grand ma right ,but you won't stand up for your partners ;your shark fishing buddies that will be there when that monster shark drags your ass in the surf ??Come on Men ,Stand up and be counted ,stand up and remember why you became a member in the first place!!
Having one of the oldest and still existing shark clubs left in the world means something VALUABLE ,so learn to conduct yourself like part of a significant organization that has benefitted a lot of people. We have a website that has helped a lot of fishermen starting out in Land-Based shark fishing so defend it ,defend your sport ,defend your right to fish because there are groups out there that want to take away that right and if we don't unite to stop them ,then don't cry when your right is lost. Learn to value your alliance to this passionate hardcore group of outstanding shark fishermen.I don't know any soft mushy shark fishermen --I know hard ass tough shark fishermen and those are the ones I want next to me when I hook that 14 ft 8 inch 1500 pound pregnant Hammerhead shark.Toughen up boys get over the bullshit and step into the ring if you still have what it takes.
I have lost acquaintances that I thought were friends because they misunderstood my intensity/passion because they thought it was disrespect.They were mistaken ,they misunderstood my HEART ,my PURPOSE, my REASON. I am about HARD WORK , SACRIFICE ,and CREATING UNITY among club members and those in the LBSF community. . If you know me you know I fight for all of us ,i fight for the sport ,I fight for the club ,i fight for fishermen in the sport and I fight to have soldiers that are willing to fight the GOOD FIGHT.Thank You .
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
We have enought shit to deal with when it comes to OUR RIGHT TO SHARK THE BEACHES WE GREW UP ON, and any shark fishermen who knows Jonathan KNOWS that i would be the first man to risk life and limb to help land that GIANT MONSTER,...NO MATTER IF HE'S IN THE CLUB OR NOT!!!!!
Well said Will
Blood in Blood out Hermanos!!! im in for life!! Dante will be etching his mark real soon, but Willy do not think hell put up with your Yelling lol
Hell make you his Gino and you will be taking out his bait before you know it lol!! I wish we never lost some of our Core guys in the past, Some of you
Were great assets to the club, Willy is not the easiest to deal with, it actually takes quite a bit of patience and few wooooo sahhhhhh meditation chants
every now and then, but He does this all for us!! He cares about everyone in the club and will defend you when your back is turned or when your not present, The problem people seem to realize is he will also call you out when your wrong or doing some thing that will shed a negative light on the club.He nor I are the easiest people to fish with or deal with in general, but we both love our families and to a great extent our friends and buddies weve
fished with for years. I personally would like to extend my time away from my family and my patience as the Now Vice President of the SFSC!!
This is how this will work now, if a club member is disgruntled with somthing that another member does or says they will contact me for a second opinion and a final decision will be made!!! Your photo or post Deleted? Call Shannon 786 266 6527 . Your big Catch not getting a Sticky call shannon 786 266 6527!! William too busy to address some of your catches Call Shannon 786 266 6527 !! You feel somthing is not fare call me 786 266 6527.To all former members that left for various reasons , we know you still constantly browse the sight and even post sometimes, Willy and i had a long sit down and i would love for you guys to sit down the three of us and hash out all differences without Willy or anyone interfering with how you feel. I am now the mediator and the Peacemaker for feuds between everyone. I equally care about all you guys and do not want anyone to feel the need to leave this huge thing we have going on here!! SFSC has taken its hits but were still going strong !! with this new Mediation process no Voice including Williams is louder or more important than any other Club Members!!!
Remember guys this is bigger than us, this is some thing we will pass on to the next generation!! swallowing our pride and dealing with each other is a small price to pay!! those that fall off and say they do not need the club and blah blah blah? Well you on your own taking the next generation (your kids) to fish is great ,but there is no comparison to seeing there dad all over the greatest fishing website in the world, reading others post about them
(chiqui,dante,javy,james dean,brianna ,willy,danny, baby jaxon etc etc) before they were old enough to read, Club members in person at meetings telling them stories about there fathers . Videos, pictures , putting a face to a story that gave them goosebumps. This is our history, its real, its the mark we will leave!!!
What happen?????What did I miss???????????????PS-Shannon what was your # again.....Dave
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