Getcha Getcha Tiger Shark 10 ft 6 (April 10,2012)
Austin did it baby!!!!!!! His biggest shark on his 50w to date and never gave up throughout the brutal fight. We've lost a few absolute monsters already this year at a few new spots that we've been trying out. A few covert night missions and a couple big baits will do the trick, but you better be prepared to walk a long way from your truck with a huge bait over your shoulder!
BIG HAMMER CHALLENGE TEAMS better get ready for long fights with monsters because even though we've hooked them over the past few years, this year they all seem TO BE BIGGER THAN EVER BEFORE!!!!!
10 ft 6 inch
Damn that's a nice tiger, coolest animal there is in my opinion.
Awesome shark. Great job
Heck of a catch guys! Was line capacity an issue on the 50w?
WHHHHaaaaaaTTTTt the helllllll!!!!!! You guys are on fire with the SNEAk AtTacks!!!
SOUTH FLORIDA SHARK CLUB -President SFSC-Founding Member est 1983 SFSC-Website Administrator BIG HAMMER SHARK TOURNAMENT -Founder Rene Memorial Sharkathon -Founder NMFS Shark Tagger
Hell Yes!!!! Big time congrats guys, that is such a nice fish.
fat tiger nice
Awesome Tiger Congrats amd hope there many more to come
Not bad, has a big head on it. I think I know that spot.
Just an average fisherman.
right on!
Thats a very nice tiger guys.
Hello there Mr Tiger.Great catch.....Dave
Congrats on a pre-BHC Fatty!!!!!!
sweet catch had plenty of days with my lemons bulls and hammers but i still havent got my tiger
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