finalley able to fish again :D!
Finally able too get back on the water. it sucks I couldn't fish like I use to but I have been caught up in school and work and with my girl friend. me and my girl friend and her little brother,sister and her sisters fiancé an his friend went to the bridge to fish and we took the kayak and I couldn't decide whether to fish off the bridge or fish on the beach an when I saw how beautiful the ocean was I couldn't resist I had to fish off the beach and we all had light tackle rods an caught about 50catfish and 5 snappers that were keepers . we had a jack for bait that I cut up and used on two of my shark rods. I kayaked my bait an than Conner kayaked his bait out shortly after mine and as I was casting my light-tackle rod out about 40 yards away from my shark rod it started going off an was going pretty fast as I was fighting the shark and an fwc officer an a couple other random people came an watched me fight the shark and an fwc officer watched me catch an release the lemon shark it was foul hooked an felt a lot bigger the shark was a female an was a healthy shark it was great too get back out there and get back into the sport of shark fishing I cant wait to get back to posting again and this weekend ill try to get back out there and put some more reports up.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will send you out to fish for people."
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