August 2015: Summer Slow Down - Lemons and Nurses
8/4: Skunked - Huge disappointment. I had a good feeling and high hopes. Put out some primo baits. One far and one close. Not a click of the reel. It was a late high tide. Went to work the next day on 2 hours of sleep.
8/6: Skunked, Lost him! I had a bait bombed out there half way to Bimini. The bait was picked up at the exact high tide mark. I took my time and harnessed up and let the fish eat. The fish had slowed down and then picked up some more speed but was not rippin line. After several more seconds I set that drag and cranked in some line. that rod bowed over and I leaned back and POP! The rod flung back violently, I almost fell back. We thought my line snapped or splice failed, but the hook just pulled from the bait. Another damn fish swimmin around with a small mouth and a free meal. It wasnt even a monster bait!
8/8: Hit the local beach for the low tide bite. Couple guys met up with me and we had baits at three different distances. 15 minutes after the low tide, I hooked up with a lemon on the Avet HXW and had a good time.
8/14: Three fish. I bombed out a bait on the 130, put one in close on the TRX and put one close on the SSV10500. I got a 90" lemon on the TRX. As we're takin a pic, the SSV goes off. My buddy grabs the rod, I release the fish. He gets a spunky nurse. We thought it was going to be another lemon. This fish death rolls up the beach, wrapping up the whole leader, then rolls down the beach unwrapping himself LOL. We get a pic for the hell of it and release him. I run another bait on the SSV and retire the TRX for the night. Later on we get a solid run on the 130! Turns out to be a Tipper. Friggin tease. Luckily he spits the hook on shore and swims himself off. We didnt have to put up with his BS. Those tippers just swim right in when winched in on a 130 so they are super green on the sand. No Me Gusta.
8/15: Skunked: Same set up as the night before. One long drop and two short. We had a few small runs on the short drops, replaced the baits and fed the crabs. Replaced the baits and kept a close on the storms. Nothin touched the long drop. While packing up for the night and reeling in the long drop, Lightning struck the beach to the south of us. IT was time to get the flock out of there. A storm had moved in from the east and then ran the post pattern and cruised towards us. There was one more strike far off but you could see the edge of the storm above us and I know lightning can strike far from the source! The lightning stopped but the rain started just before I finished packin up the truck LOL.
8/22: I had dislocated my right knee cap on Thursday while playing racquet ball so I would be out of commission for a little bit. Thursday and Friday nights I just sat on the couch. I was going insane so I took my old man beach cart with a spinning rod and a chair to my local spot and casted a bait. I got a Nurse shark and drank some beers and went home. (I do not know the random people in the pic)
8/31: No sharks. We got a few catfish on the bait rod but no toothies. One cut line and one short run on the short drop. Nothing on the long drop. I was hoping the winds and swells would have pushed some fish inshore but no luck.
Here fishy fishy fishy.....
Catch a fish or catch a buzz!
The nights we do get hit keep us coming back for more. I sympathize with the getting skunked aspect especially in our area I have gone many nights where i reel in the bait and not even a crab touched it.
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